Roof Repairs In Belmont, CA

Split Truss Members

A Deep Crack In A Failing Truss Chord

Temporary Roof Supports

New Truss Chords And Bracing

Replacing One By One

New Bracing

New Support For The Existing Roof

New Bracing And Truss Chords

New Bracing And Bolting

New Support For The Existing Roof

Their roof was falling down. With a loud crack! the old roof trusses were snapping, one by one.

First, Agape Construction rushed in to support the roof and keep it from crashing down on the customers. Then we very carefully replaced the existing truss members with larger and stronger ones while managing to keep the roofing and waterproofing intact throughout the entire process.

We were even able to keep two businesses open during their busy season while our work was going on overhead.